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How To Change Title Tag In WordPress

Changing the title tag in WordPress is an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO) and improving the visibility of your website. The title tag is a piece of HTML code that appears in the head section of your website and is visible to search engines and website visitors. It explains the content of your page and is one of the most critical elements that search engines use to rank your website.

To change the title tag in WordPress, you need to go to the page or post you want to modify. It can be done in two ways, either by modifying the title tag for individual pages or using a WordPress SEO plugin to update the title tag globally.

If you want to change the title tag for a single post or page, you can do it easily from the editor screen. On the right-hand side of the editor, you will see an option called ‘Document.’ Open that, and you will find a section called ‘SEO.’ Here, you can change the title tag by updating the title field with your desired title. It is also recommended to keep the title length under 60 characters to avoid truncation in search results.

For a global change in title tags, the recommended option is to use an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack. These plugins provide a wide range of SEO features, including the ability to manage title tags. Once you install and activate the plugin, go to the plugin settings and navigate to the ‘Titles & Metas’ section. Here you will find the option to change your website’s title tag. You can also use variables to create dynamic titles for different pages or posts, making your website even more search engine friendly.

In conclusion, changing the title tag in WordPress is a straightforward process that can go a long way in improving your website’s search engine ranking. Whether you want to do a single page or a global update, WordPress offers several options to customize your website’s title tags. Now that you know how to change title tags in WordPress, it is recommended to create effective and engaging titles to enhance the overall user experience and attract more visitors to your website.


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