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What Is Exit In Google Analytics

What Is Exit In Google Analytics?

Exit in Google Analytics refers to the number or percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing a specific page. It is a metric that measures the number of times visitors leave a website after viewing a page, as opposed to the number of times they leave the site altogether. An exit page is the last page a visitor sees before leaving a website. Exit rate is calculated by dividing the number of exits from a specific page by the total number of page views for that page.

Exit rate is a valuable metric for website owners and marketers as it can help identify pages that are causing visitors to leave the site, and can subsequently be optimized to improve user experience, increase engagement, and reduce bounce rates. However, it is important to note that a high exit rate does not always indicate a problem with a specific page. As such, it is recommended that website owners review exit rate in conjunction with other metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rates to gain a more comprehensive understanding of site performance.

To further optimize and identify why visitors are leaving a specific page, website owners can use Google Analytics’ behavior flow feature. This feature provides a visual representation of how visitors navigate through a website and can highlight where visitors are leaving a site. By analyzing behavior flow, website owners can identify opportunities to improve site navigation, content layout, and calls to action to encourage visitors to stay longer and engage more deeply with the site.


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