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How To Add Alt Text To Images WordPress

How to Add Alt Text to Images in WordPress

Adding alt text to images is an essential part of on-page optimization for search engine optimization (SEO). Not only does it improve the accessibility of your website for visually impaired users, but it also provides search engines with valuable information about the content and purpose of the images on your website. In WordPress, adding alt text to images is a simple process that can be done in a few steps.

Step 1: Add an Image to WordPress
To add an image to WordPress, go to the page or post where you want to add the image and click on the ‘Add Media’ button. From there, you can select the image you want to upload from your computer or media library. Once you have uploaded the image, you will see an option to add the alt text in the ‘Attachment Details’ section.

Step 2: Add Alt Text to the Image
To add the alt text to the image, simply fill in the ‘Alt Text’ field in the ‘Attachment Details’ section. Make sure that the alt text accurately describes the content and purpose of the image. Ideally, the alt text should be concise and descriptive, with a maximum length of 125 characters.

Step 3: Save and Publish
Once you have added the alt text to the image, make sure to click on the ‘Save’ button to save your changes. If you are adding the image to a page or post, don’t forget to hit the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button to make your changes live on the website.

Adding alt text to images on WordPress is an important aspect of on-page optimization, as it provides both search engines and visually impaired users with valuable information about the content and purpose of the images on your website. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your website is accessible and optimized for search engines.


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