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How To Do Alt Text

Header: What is Alt Text?

Alt text, or alternative text, is a description of an image that can be read by screen readers for visually impaired users or by search engines to understand the content of the image. Alt text is also beneficial for those who have slow internet connections or who have disabled images in their web browser. It is important to use accurate and descriptive alt text to help users with disabilities understand the context of the image.

Header: How to do Alt Text?

To add alt text to an image, you can use the HTML “alt” attribute. The alt attribute is an important accessibility feature and should be included for all images on a website. The basic syntax for adding alt text is:
Description of image
Replace “Description of image” with a brief, accurate description of the image. Use descriptive keywords that relate to the content of the image, but be concise and avoid unnecessary details. If the image is decorative or does not add any meaningful content to the page, use an empty alt attribute:

It is important to note that the alt text should not include any formatting or links. It is also recommended to keep the alt text under 125 characters.

Header: Best Practices for Alt Text

When writing alt text, consider the following best practices:
– Be accurate and descriptive: Provide an accurate and concise description of the image that accurately reflects its content.
– Be concise: Alt text should be short and to the point, while still conveying the image’s meaning.
– Avoid repetition: Do not repeat information already present in the surrounding text.
– Include important details: If the image contains important information, include it in the alt text.
– Do not use the same alt text for multiple images: Each image should have unique alt text that accurately describes its content.
– Use empty alt text for decorative images: Images that are purely decorative do not need alt text and can use an empty alt attribute.
By following these best practices, you can ensure that your website is accessible and inclusive for all users.



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