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How To Get Alt Text To Appear

How to Get Alt Text to Appear: A Step-by-Step Guide

Alt text or alternative text is an HTML attribute used to describe an image’s content and purpose. It’s intended for users who are visually impaired and use a screen reader to browse the web. However, it also benefits search engines as they need text to understand what an image represents. Alt text is therefore an essential element of web accessibility and SEO. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to get alt text to appear on your website.

## Step 1: Add Images to Your Website

The first step to getting your alt text to appear is to add images to your website. This can be done using HTML or a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress. When adding an image using HTML, use the \ tag and specify the image source (src). For instance:



Alternatively, if you’re using a CMS, you can upload your images directly to the editor or media library.

## Step 2: Add Alt Text to Your Images

The next step is to add alt text to your images. You can do this by including the alt attribute in your HTML code or filling out the image description field in your CMS. The alt text should be a concise and accurate description of the image’s content and function. Avoid using generic descriptions like “image” or “picture” as they don’t provide useful information to users or search engines. Instead, use descriptive words that convey the image’s purpose, such as “red apple on a white plate” or “man surfing in Hawaii.”

Here’s an example of how to add alt text to an image in HTML:

red apple on a white plate

In WordPress, you can add alt text to an image by clicking on “Edit” after uploading the image to the media library. Then, fill out the “Alternative Text” field with a descriptive phrase.

## Step 3: Test Your Alt Text

Finally, it’s essential to test your alt text to make sure it appears correctly on your website. You can do this by disabling images in your browser or using a screen reader to listen to the page’s content. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your alt text is providing value to all users, including those with visual impairments.

In conclusion, adding alt text to your images is a simple yet critical step to improving web accessibility and SEO. By following these steps, you can ensure that your website’s images are described accurately and help users and search engines understand their content and purpose.



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