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What Is Canonical Tag In Html

What is Canonical Tag in HTML?

The canonical tag in HTML is an important tool for search engine optimization. It is a tag added to the head section of the HTML code of a webpage. Its purpose is to provide information to search engines regarding the preferred version of a webpage.

In simple terms, the canonical tag helps to prevent the issue of duplicate content by informing search engines which version of a webpage is the original or canonical version. This is important because duplicate content can negatively impact a website’s search engine rankings. By using the canonical tag, website owners can ensure that their preferred version of the webpage is the one that appears in search engine results pages.

The canonical tag can be particularly useful for websites that have multiple pages with similar content, such as an e-commerce site with product pages that have different URLs but similar descriptions. By adding the canonical tag to the preferred product page, the website owner can avoid diluting the value of their content and improve their search engine rankings.

Using the canonical tag is a best practice in SEO, and it is a useful tool for website owners who want to improve their website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. By using the tag, website owners can ensure that search engines correctly identify the preferred version of their webpages, which can lead to higher rankings and increased traffic to their website.


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